Tuition and Fees

In line with our commitment to make ministry training very affordable, our fees are heavily subsidised and affordable.

Please note that fees are subject to change without prior notification and subject to currency fluctuations.

Fee structure

The academic fees are determined yearly and may change from time to time. All fees, apart from the registration fees, must be paid prior to commencement of any studies, unless specific arrangements have been made with the Administration office for a payment plan, and monthly instalments.

Fee Structure 2022/23

Fees Amount Note
Registration Fee


R800.00 Which is non-refundable
Module Fee


R7800.00 Per module
All manuals (handed out when the module is taught) R3900.00 Per module
EISA Fee R1000.00  
Work Study Fee R1500.00  
Graduation fee R950.00  

The total 2022/23 academic fees amount to R15500.00 and are set out as follows:

• A non-refundable registration fee of R800.00 which is payable upon registration.


Students are advised that, according to Numbers 30 : 2 “If a man vows a vow to the Lord, or swears an oath to bind himself by some agreement, he shall not break his word; he shall do according to all that proceeds out of his mouth.”

The student is responsible to pay all monthly instalments on time. The BIBLE COLLEGE extends a courtesy to students by allowing payment on a monthly basis. There are only two methods of payment: Full tuition paid at the beginning of the school year or Monthly instalments.

Any student in financial arrears by 30 days will be dropped. Any student experiencing financial distress should contact the administrator. A minimum 10-day written notice must be given before the due date of the payment to insure cancellation. All payments are owed by the student up through the cancellation date.

Failure of a student to attend classes is not being considered to be a resignation. Monthly tuition debits will continue unless the registrar is notified in writing.

Students are advised that, according to Numbers 30 : 2 “If a man vows a vow to the Lord, or swears an oath to bind himself by some agreement, he shall not break his word; he shall do according to all that proceeds out of his mouth.”

The student is responsible to pay all monthly instalments on time. The BIBLE COLLEGE extends a courtesy to students by allowing payment on a monthly basis. There are only two methods of payment: Full tuition paid at the beginning of the school year or Monthly instalments.

Cancellations and Refunds

Registration fees are non-refundable under any circumstances.

Banking details

Fees are payable at the bank using the following details:
BANK: Standard Bank
ACCOUNT NAME: Living Word Theological Institute
A/C No: 240 170 725